Medicinal Chemistry PhD Student Cristiana Meuret Earns Prestigious NIH Fellowship

The UWSoP Department of Medicinal Chemistry is proud to announce that PhD student Cristiana Meuret has been awarded the prestigious Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (F31). This highly competitive…
Alex Wiley Named 2023-2024 Magnuson Scholar

UW’s Board of Health Sciences Deans announced this week that fourth-year UWSOP Medicinal Chemistry student Alex Wiley has been named a 2023-2024 Magnuson Scholar. She is one of 7 awardees honored this year for both…
Barker-Haliski and Jackson Named 2023 ASPET Award Recipients

Congratulations to School of Pharmacy and Plein Center Research Associate Professor Melissa Barker-Haliski and Medicinal Chemistry post-doc Klarissa Jackson, ’13, who have both been named 2023 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) Award…
Extraordinary Support

Three exceptional UW School of Pharmacy graduate students – Keiann Simon, Alex Wiley and Adi Kumar – discuss their individual journeys at the #UWSOP and offer insight on what makes the School so special.
Design of membrane-traversing peptides leads to new spinout

Led by Department of Medicinal Chemistry Assistant Professor Gaurav Bhardwaj, a team of researchers at the Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington have discovered how to create peptides that slip through membranes and enter cells. This #DrugDesign breakthrough…
Four UWSOP Faculty Each Receive $20k Innovation Award for 2022

The UWSOP Faculty Innovation Award provides financial support of up to $20,000 each for high-risk, innovative research projects. The reviewers look for projects with high scientific merit and great potential to generate extramural funding. This year,…
Klarissa Jackson Receives 2022 ASPET Award

Klarissa Jackson, ’13, has been awarded an ASPET 2022 Division for Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Early Career Award which recognizes excellence in translational and clinical pharmacology research developed by early-career scientists. A 2013 UW School…
Medicinal Chemistry Graduate Fellowship Support
Graduate students are at the heart of our most innovative and impactful work in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry — including mechanistic studies of infection by HIV and COVID19, cutting edge mass spectrometry studies, characterization…
Medicinal Chemistry Student Named 2020-21 Magnuson Scholar

UWSOP would like to congratulate Amy Li, a 4th-year Medicinal Chemistry student in the UW XuLab, on being named a 2020-21 Magnuson Scholar! Amy studies the metabolism of cholesterol precursors, and how defects in that…
UW’s new WE-REACH center to accelerate development of the ‘most exciting’ biomedical discoveries

With well over a billion dollars in research funding annually, the University of Washington is an engine of discovery and generates more than $15 billion in the state’s economy. Now, with a $4 million grant…
UWSOP welcomes Gaurav Bhardwaj to Med Chem faculty

Join us in welcoming Gaurav Bhardwaj, PhD, to the Faculty as Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry. Gaurav earned his doctoral degree in Integrative Biosciences from the Pennsylvania State University. During his graduate…
Faculty Legend Wendel Nelson Retires

After over 50 years of distinguished service at UWSOP and wide-ranging contributions to the profession of pharmacy, Professor Wendel Nelson retires this month. Wendel joined the School as an Assistant Professor in 1965 in the…
Xu and Kelly receive SOP Faculty Innovation Award

Libin Xu and Ed Kelly take a novel approach to investigate toxicity of common household cleaners Libin Xu and Ed Kelly were selected as this year’s recipients of the UW School of Pharmacy Faculty Innovation…
Promoted UWSOP faculty tackling tough problems facing population health with novel approaches
Recently promoted faculty are finding news ways to solve significant population health problems from Alzheimer’s and related dementias to kidney disease to cancer to MRSA. These preeminent researchers were all recently awarded promotions. Learn more…
Using Genetics to Decode Warfarin

The potential impact of personalized medicine launched here at UW School of Pharmacy about twenty years ago, when Dave Veenstra’s graduate student Mitch Higashi,‘01, assembled a 200-member cohort of warfarin patients to study genetic factors…
Small Molecules, Big Health Solutions

The story of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry is of a multi-generational approach to solving big problems in population health. “Our network of faculty, alumni, and students is working to solve problems that affect millions…
The Future of Pharmacy

Celebrating 125 Years of Impact & Innovation Our mission is to develop exceptional pharmacy leaders and researchers, discover solutions to improve population health, and serve the health and well-being of the public, locally and globally…even…
Nina Isoherranen named Chair of Pharmaceutics Department

On July 1, 2019, UW School of Pharmacy Professor and Dean Sean D. Sullivan appointed Professor Nina Isoherranen to the Milo Gibaldi Endowed Chair of Pharmaceutics. Her appointment makes her the first woman to chair…
Ken Thummel returns to faculty after 13 years of success as Chair

After thirteen years leading the Department of Pharmaceutics to international success, Professor Kenneth Thummel will return to faculty full time and Professor Nina Isoherranen will become the Milo Gibaldi Endowed Chair of Pharmaceutics. Dr. Thummel…
Nath Faculty Innovation Award leads to student publications

In 2018, Abhi Nath, ’08, was named recipient one of that year’s UWSOP Faculty Innovation Awards. The awards provide financial support of up to $20,000 each for high-risk, innovative research projects. Abhi proposed to look at…
Goulet and Maldonato presented UWSOP Med Chem graduate student awards

Congratulations to UWSOP Outstanding Dissertation Award winner Dennis Goulet, Medicinal Chemistry, and Graduate Student Leadership Award for Medicinal Chemistry, Benjamin Maldonato. The UW School of Pharmacy Graduate Program Awards offer special recognition of our preeminent graduate students…
Allan Rettie named 2019 UWSOP Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor

Professor Allan Rettie, Medicinal Chemistry, was nominated for and selected at the 2019 Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor by colleagues and current and former students. “Allan encouraged his students to critically analyze internally and externally generated…
Pharmacological Sciences Summer Diversity Program brings undergrad students to UWSOP

In summer 2019, we welcome two undergraduate student scientists taking part in the Pharmacological Sciences Summer Diversity Program. Sierra Napoleon, a junior from Louisiana Tech University, who will receive her BS in Chemistry in 2020….
UWSOP at ISSX 2019 in Portland
Don’t miss out on these UWSOP alumni and faculty presenting at ISSX! This meeting will also mark the last meeting with Dean Emeritus Tom Baillie presiding as President of ISSX. Join us for the UWSOP…
Brain cholesterol, SLOS, & autism

The UW Medicinal Chemist studied neural chemistry and biology to understand the underlying mechanism that cause birth defects, behavioral problems, and autism You probably know about good and bad cholesterol as it relates to your…
Kidney on a Chip has gone to outer space..and returned to Earth!

What did it take to send delicate kidney cells into space to be studied by astronauts wearing big, clunky gloves who may, or may not, have a background in biochemistry? We popped into the lab…
Henderson wins poster award at national AsPET Conference

Congratulations to PharmD and Pharmaceutics PhD student Lindsay Henderson who received the 2nd place graduate student poster presentation award for the Drug Metabolism and Disposition Division of ASPET (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics)….
5/3 UPDATE: 5/3 11:48 PM PDT launch for Kidney on a Chip project to the International Space Station!

Updated May 3, 11:29 am Pacific: NASA has pushed back the launch to Friday, May 3 at 11:48 PM Pacific time…weather dependent. May 3 update: Welp. It seemed like it was going to go…
Nath lab makes progress against neurodegenerative conditions

We revisited Abhi Nath and his lab team to see how their work to improve the diagnosis and treatments of neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) was progressing. The team hopes…
Werth and Xu awarded $1.86M NIH grant to continue MRSA investigation

Pharmacy’s Brian Werth and grant coinvestigator UWSOP Medicinal Chemistry’s Libin Xu will continue their novel research into antibiotic resistance mechanisms in the superbug, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The team were recently awarded a 4-year, $1.86 million…
Werth receives prestigious Young Investigator Award from SIDP

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Brian Werth who received this year’s Young Investigator Award from the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacist (SIDP). The prestigious award is given to a young investigator who shows research promise in…
UW ranks 4th world wide for pharmacology and toxicology

The UW ranks 4th worldwide in Pharmacology and Toxicology, a subject that includes pharmacy, pharmacology, substance abuse, and toxicology, according to National Taiwan University’s criteria. The list provides overall rankings; rankings by six fields; and…
Baughman investigates a natural defense against Alzheimer’s

Hannah Baughman, graduate student in Abhi Nath’s lab, is first author on an article looking at molecular chaperones, which may unlock keys in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, which seem to be caused…
Wienkers is keynote speaker at June 2018 AAPS-RMDG meeting at UW

Abstracts are due Friday, May 18, 2018 The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists – Rocky Mountain Discussion Group (AAPS-RMDG) Annual Meeting will be held at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, on June 12-13, 2018….
Medchem Chair Kent Kunze Retires

It’s bittersweet to announce that our long-time colleague, Dr. Kent Kunze, has stepped down as Departmental Chair and retired from the faculty. Kent has been a valued member of the faculty since 1990, and for…
Nath lab team takes aim at Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease affects about 5 million Americans, a number projected to roughly triple by 2050. The urgency of this grave population health challenge is with Abhi Nath and his team of researchers every day as they…
Libin Xu and Brian Werth Receive Royalty Research Fund Award

Libin Xu, Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, and Brian Werth, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, have received a Royalty Research Fund award of $38,175 for their project, “Targeting Altered Lipid Metabolism in Antibiotic-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.” The…
SPECIAL EVENT: A talk with NPR’S Richard Harris

Panel Discussion: “From Rigor to Rigor Mortis–Good Science, Bad Science, and Patient Care” Noon-1:20pm, Tuesday, January 23, 2018 Health Sciences Building, T-435 Light refreshments will be served Panel Discussion: Richard Harris, NPR Science Correspondent and…
Xu Lab Awarded NSF Grant to Study Lipid Peroxidation

Lipid peroxidation is the process in which a reactive atom or group of atoms (free radicals) capture electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage. This process plays an important role in…
Aliwarga invited to present at Gordon Research Conference

Theresa Aliwarga, a Medicinal Chemistry graduate student and researcher in Rheem Totah’s lab, was invited to give a podium presentation of her research on CYP2J2-mediated epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) as potential markers for cardiovascular disease at this…
Remembering Bill Howald, UWSOP Mass Spec Director

William “Bill” Howald passed away August 14, 2017 in Salem, Oregon at the age of 76 after a brief illness. After retirement, Bill and his wife Carole moved to Oregon to be closer to family….
Sager, Bounthavong, Seguin, Weber, & Shen receive inaugural UWSOP Graduate Program Awards

To recognize extraordinary excellence among our graduate students and faculty, UW School of Pharmacy established three new award programs in 2017. This first class of award recipients include Jennifer Sager, Outstanding Dissertation Award; Mark Bounthavong,…
Inaugural Plein Symposium advances geriatric pharmacy

“Celebrating Today, Planning Tomorrow” brought together a host of disciplines to discuss healthy aging Decades ago, geriatric pharmacy pioneers Joy and Elmer Plein foresaw the need to research the effects medications have on older adults….
A conversation at the College Inn leads to Faculty Innovation Award, possible breakthrough in combating MRSA

There is a rich tradition of stories that begin with…“we were sitting in a bar talking, when we got this idea.” From the Marine Corps, to the Ironman Triathlon, and even Quidditch, all have their…
Hu and Lee combine forces to design novel HIV vaccine

Pharmaceutics Professor Shiu-Lok Hu and Kelly Lee, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, received funding for research to create a vaccine against HIV. This research builds upon decades of research by these investigators funded by the…
Med Chem’s Mike Guttman Receives Royalty Research Fund Award

The Royalty Research fund (RRF) is sponsored by UW’s Office of Research to help faculty establish new research programs. The program is funded from royalty and licensing fee income generated by the UW Technology transfer…
Scott Grimm Scholar Dennis Goulet is named UWSOP’s Magnuson Scholar 2017-2018

Scott Grimm Scholar and Medicinal Chemistry graduate student Dennis Goulet (Bill Atkins lab) has been awarded the prestigious Magnuson Scholarship for 2017-2018, receiving the $30,000 award on the basis of his outstanding academic performance and…
Dennis Goulet receives first Scott Grimm Memorial Scholarship

Scott W. Grimm was a long-time friend of Medicinal Chemistry and the School of Pharmacy. A Corporate Advisory Board member who enthusiastically supported our students and programs, he was also a leader in drug discovery…
Amy Li awarded ARCS Fellowship

Congratulations to Medicinal Chemistry graduate student, Amy Li, who was recently awarded an ARCS Fellowship. The Seattle Chapter of ARCS Foundation contributes to the advancement of science and technology by funding PhD fellowships for academically…
Med Chem & Pharmaceutics faculty, alumni well-represented at MDO Symposium

The University of Washington was well-represented at the 21st International Symposium on Microsomes & Drug Oxidations (MDO) held at UC Davis from October 2-6, 2016. Our faculty and alumni researchers presented drug metabolism and related…
Sid Nelson’s legacy lives on in science and collaboration

Busulfan is one of our oldest anticancer drugs. Today, it is often used to prepare a patient’s body for a bone marrow transplant (hematopoietic cell transplant [HCT]) to fight various cancers. Busulfan kills some of…
Lee lab uses 3D electron microscopy to visualize influenza virus invasion

For the first time, researchers have images showing how a virus pries its way past host membranes Three to five million people worldwide suffer from the flu each year—and it’s deadly. The World Health Organization…
UW Symposium on Past Present and Future of ADME Sciences Dedicated to Deans Sid Nelson and Tom Baillie

“Thanks to the strong academic programs in the Department of Pharmaceutics and Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Washington, I have been well prepared for an exciting career in the pharmaceutical sciences,” said alumnus Ian…
Pelletier wins AFPE Fellowship renewal

The American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education’s Pre-Doctoral Award in Pharmaceutical Science has been awarded again to Med Chem graduate student Robert Pelletier (Kent Kunze lab). Pelletier has received a renewal of this Fellowship through August…
Professor and Dean Emeritus Thomas Baillie announces retirement from UWSOP

Dr. Thomas Baillie, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Dean Emeritus for the UW School of Pharmacy, has announced that he will be officially retiring from the University of Washington in March of 2016. Tom has…
Totah and CHRU collaborate to find novel treatments for cardiovascular disease

UW School of Pharmacy and UW Medicine bring population and basic science together for novel approach to drug research Heart disease remains a leading cause of death in the United States. While there have been…
Award season comes to UWSOP!

It’s award season–not just for film, also for the UW School of Pharmacy! Many of our School’s faculty, students, post docs and alumni have been recognized in the past few months for their accomplishments. Don Downing, Martin…
Kelly Hines Named USP Global Fellow

Kelly M. Hines, Ph.D., senior fellow in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry (Libin Xu lab), is one of three recipients of the 2015-2016 Global Fellowship by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP). This award, in…
Rettie Seeds the Future of Precision Medicine

“It’s a micro-farm,” said Allan Rettie recently, talking of the home where he and his wife, Shannon, nurture a menagerie of creatures great and small. “If I was not doing science, I might have been…
Med Chem Welcomes 2015 Students

At a combined 2015 orientation event with the department of Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry chair Kent Kunze welcomed four new students into our graduate program: Modestas Filipavicius, Lorela Paco, Dylan Ross, and Eleanor Vane. Pharmaceutics has…
2015 Summer Diversity Program Wraps

It was a summer of hard work and discovery for four undergrads who participated in the Pharmacological Science Summer Diversity Program (PSSDP). Hector Caldera (Fort Lewis College), Brianna Morgan (Southern Oregon University), Monica Pengshung (Southern…
Benhaim Appointed to Molecular Biophysics Training Program

Medicinal Chemistry graduate student Mark Benhaim (Lee lab) has been accepted into the NIH-supported Molecular Biophysics Training Program. His proposed research thesis, “Deciphering the Antiviral Activity of Human Defensins: Inhibiting Influenza Virus Fusion,” won him…
Med Chem Student Interns with Janssen Pharmaceuticals

Dennis Goulet (Atkins lab), graduate student in Medicinal Chemistry, is completing a summer internship with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company headquartered in New Jersey. Janssen wanted someone with a background in biophysical…
Med Chem Student Receives Barnes Fellowship

Medicinal Chemistry graduate student Mavis Li (Atkins lab) has received an award from the Hope Barnes Fellowship Fund. Hope Barnes was a Med Chem graduate student who died in a climbing accident in 1991. Hope’s…
Med Chem Group Attends P450 Conference in Japan

Cytochrome P450 enzymes are found in all living organisms and are essential in metabolizing a wide range of substances including steroids, fatty acids and the majority of pharmaceuticals. They control the elimination of most drugs…
Maldonato wins TL1 research grant

Ben Maldonato is busier than usual this summer. The Medicinal Chemistry grad student is one of the 2015 cohort of predoctoral students chosen to receive a summer TL1 grant from the Institute of Translational Health…
Scenes from Commencement 2015

Friday was a day of recognition and celebration! Over 100 graduate and PharmD students received their degrees and began a new phase in their professional careers. Associate Dean Peggy Odegard welcomed the graduates telling them, “We are…
Lee lab pursues clues to HIV, flu in the moment of infection

In a basement lab deep within the Magnuson Health Sciences Building, a group of scientists works to decode the mysteries of two deadly viruses: influenza and HIV. Led by Kelly Lee, assistant professor of medicinal…
Pelletier Wins AFPE Award to Study Acetaminophen Toxicity

Robert Pelletier left a career in industry to pursue his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and follow his passion for teaching and research. The American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) has recognized Pelletier’s potential for leadership,…
Dr. Libin Xu Joins Med Chem Faculty

LIBIN XU, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry. He graduated with a B.Sc. from Nakai University, Tianjin, China, completed his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at University of Illinois at Chicago, and…
Klarissa Hardy Receives Major NIH Grant

Congratulations to former UW School of Pharmacy Department of Medicinal Chemistry post-doctoral fellow, Klarissa Hardy, who received a $660,000 National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to fight breast cancer! Hardy worked with Dean Sidney Nelson…
North American ISSX Meeting will award two of our faculty.

Not one, but two of our faculty were selected to receive the only awards given by The International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX). Dean Emeritus Tom Baillie was selected for the North American…
Dean Emeritus Baillie Is Top Cited Researcher

Dean Emeritus Thomas Baillie was recognized as one of the topmost cited researchers in the area of Pharmacology & Toxicology. The Thompson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers list identifies over three thousand researchers worldwide whose research…
Dr. Allan Rettie Steps Down as Chair

Dr. Allan Rettie has decided to step down as Chair of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, effective June 13, 2014, after serving the School for almost 15 years in that capacity. During this period, Dr….
AACP Honors Med Chem PhD Brendan Stamper

The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) recently honored Dr. Brendan Stamper and his colleagues at the 2014 AACP annual meeting. Dr. Stamper is a former Med Chem graduate student who received his Ph.D….
Eric Evangelista Appointed to Clinical Research (TL1) Training Grant

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences TL1 Multidisciplinary Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Grant is a year-long training experience funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Research Resources. The program allows…
Nath Lab Welcomes New Student
The Department of Medicinal Chemistry is pleased to announce that Hannah Baughman, a graduate student in the Biological Physics, Structure and Design program, has joined the Nath lab and the Klevit lab (UW Biochemistry) as…
Brianne Raccor to Teach at Campbell University

Dr. Brianne Raccor, Senior Fellow in the Rheem Totah laboratory and a Elmer M. and Joy B. Plein Fellow, has taken a position as Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Campbell University in Buies Creek,…
Congratulations, Med Chem Class of 2014

Nick Au, Jean Dinh, and Eri Nakatani-Webster wait for their moment on the stage during graduation exercises at Meany Hall. (Photograph courtesy of Meg Running.) Congratulations to the following students, who received the Doctor of…
Med Chem Alumnus Appointed Dean at Campbell University

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry is proud to congratulate alumnus Michael Adams, Ph.D. for his recent appointment as Dean of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences at Campbell University in Buies Creek, North Carolina….
Ryan Seguin is Magnuson Scholar 2014-2015

Medicinal Chemistry graduate student Ryan Seguin (Kent Kunze lab) has been awarded the prestigious Magnuson Scholarship for 2014-2015. The University names six Magnuson Scholars annually, one from each of the health sciences schools. Awardees are…
Klarissa Hardy Receives AACP Award

Former Medicinal Chemistry postdoctoral fellow Klarissa Hardy has received a 2014 New Investigator Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Klarissa, now an Assistant Professor at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy in…
Med Chem Welcomes New Faculty Member

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry welcomes Abhinav “Abhi” Nath, PhD, as its newest faculty member. Dr. Nath joins the department as an Assistant Professor, coming from Yale University where he did postdoctoral work in Molecular…
Bill Atkins and the Legacy of Sid Nelson

Dr. William Atkins has been named the first Sid Nelson Endowed Professor in Medicinal Chemistry. Bill joined the Med Chem faculty in 1991. His research focuses on the biochemical nature of detoxification enzymes and on…
Nick Au on Winning Team for Business Plan Contest

Med Chem student Nick Au (Allan Rettie lab) was recently part of a team of UW graduate students who won a “Best Innovation Idea” prize in the 16th annual UW Business Plan Competition. The team…
Medicinal Chemistry Hosts International P450 Conference
The Department of Medicinal Chemistry is excited to host the “18th International Conference on Cytochrome P450s: Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structure,” to be held at the UW from June 18-22, 2013. This biennial conference has been…
Med Chem Professor Wins MLK Volunteer Award

Carlos is camera-shy, but Nanci Murphy makes great cookies! Dr. Carlos Catalano, Professor in Medicinal Chemistry, was awarded a Volunteer Recognition Award during the Health Sciences Center’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration on January…
Student on Winning Team for Business Plan Contest
PharmD/PhD student in medicinal chemistry Nick Au was recently part of a team of UW grad students to take the Best Innovation Idea prize in the UW Business Plan Competition. Their plan? To start a…
Bill Atkins Named Inaugural Sid Nelson Endowed Professor

In a fitting tribute to our late colleague, mentor and friend, the School of Pharmacy is humbled to share that we have formally established the Sid Nelson Endowed Professorship in Drug Metabolism. The seeds for…
Leadership Award Given Posthumously to Sid Nelson
The Washington State Pharmacy Association has given its Distinguished Leadership Award to our late Dean Emeritus and Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Sid Nelson. Several alumni were also honored by the WSPA for contributions to the…
Dean Receives Award for Contributions to Chemistry
This August, School of Pharmacy Dean and Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Thomas Baillie will receive the 2012 Founders’ Award from the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Chemical Toxicology. Read more in the Original ACS…
Kelly Lee Receives NIH Grant to Study Influenza Virus

The Lee lab, L-R: Long Gui, Mike Guttman, Natalie Garcia, and Tad Davenport, discuss membrane fusion at a recent conference in Whistler, B.C. Missing: Kelly Lee (or is he??) Dr. Kelly Lee, Assistant Professor of…
Med Chem Student Named UW Magnuson Scholar

Eri Nakatani Awarded Magnuson Scholarship Med Chem graduate student Eri Nakatani (Carlos Catalano lab) has been awarded the prestigious Magnuson Scholarship for 2012. The University names six Magnuson Scholars annually, one from each of the…
Faculty Member’s Spin-Off Looks to Improve Mass Spectrometry

Last year, the director of the UW School of Pharmacy Mass Spectrometry Center, Dave Goodlett, developed a method to make mass spectrometry research easier. The method, known as Surface Acoustic Wave Nebulization (SAWN), simplifies how…
Remembering Dean Emeritus Sid Nelson

Special Announcement: Sid Nelson Endowed Professorship Inaugural Recipient Announced May 6, 2013: Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Bill Atkins is the inaugural Sid Nelson Endowed Professor in Drug Metabolism. The seeds for the professorship were sown…
Group Works Toward Greater Diversity in the Sciences
The UW chapter of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science has received the 2011 chapter of the year award. This graduate student group, led by medicinal chemistry faculty adviser…
Baillie Named Fellow of American Chemical Society
The American Chemical Society (ACS) has named Dean Thomas Baillie one of its 2011 fellows. This honor goes to distinguished scientists who demonstrate outstanding accomplishments in chemistry and make important contributions to ACS, the world’s…
Nelson Receives AACP Research Achievement Award
Sid Nelson, professor of medicinal chemistry and dean emeritus of the School of Pharmacy, has received the Volwiler Research Achievement Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. He is noted for scientific achievements…
William F. Trager, Ph.D: In Remembrance

By Dean Emeritus Sid Nelson Professor and Chair Emeritus of Medicinal Chemistry William “Bill” Trager lost his short battle to cancer last month. He was 72 years old. Bill received his Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry…
Remembering Alain Huitric

By Bill Trager Alain Huitric, professor emeritus of medicinal chemistry, passed away in late July at his home in Brittany, France, shortly before his 97th birthday. Al was born in 1912 in Sainte Rose du…
Elmer Promotes Probiotics on ABC News
Elmer Promotes Probiotics on ABC News (December 13, 2007, interview on ABC News) Link to Medicinal Chemistry archived news
UW School of Pharmacy Ph.D. Research Programs Rank #1
The University of Washington School of Pharmacy medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences research programs are the best in the nation according to a recent academic ranking. The findings, announced in the January 12 issue of…
UW Hosts 30th National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium
The University of Washington School of Pharmacy was honored to host the 30th National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium from June 25-29 on the UW campus. Over 517 individuals attended the event, most from industry, nearly 15…
Professor Daggett Wins $2 Million INCITE Award to Further Research on Protein Folding

Valerie Daggett, professor of medicinal chemistry at UW School of Pharmacy, has received one of three Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) awards for her research in “Molecular Dynameomics.” This…
Rettie Receives Internationally Recognized ISSX Achievement Award
Allan Rettie, professor and chair of Medicinal Chemistry, has received the 2005 North American Scientific Achievement Award from the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) for his meritorious contributions to the field, most…