School of Pharmacy Certificate Programs
The UW School of Pharmacy’s certificate programs prepare busy adult learners like you for an increasingly dynamic and complex world. By design, each program challenges you to explore subjects in depth and apply new concepts and skills in practical situations. Programs are taught in the beautiful Puget Sound region with territorial views of mountains and sea, and an easy drive to the cities of Bellevue, Tacoma and Everett.
Current PharmD Students: Please see the Concurrent Degree & Certificate Programs for PharmD Students webpage.
Certificate Program in Biomedical Regulatory Affairs
Understand the role of a medical products regulatory affairs specialist and the dynamic nature of the regulatory field. Study the regulatory jurisdiction of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Certificate Program in Clinical Trials
Become versed in the major concepts guiding the design and implementation of clinical trials, and learn to manage the numerous people and tasks involved at all stages of the process.
Plein Certificate in Geriatric Pharmacy
The Certificate in Geriatric Pharmacy can be earned while in the PharmD program or as a practicing pharmacist. The goal of the Certificate is to train pharmacists to become specialists in geriatrics to meet the needs of older adults in all practice settings. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in the general principles of selecting and optimizing drug therapy for older adults with several comorbidities.
Certificate in Data Science in Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Learn how and why data science concepts are applied in health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). Health organizations, insurance companies, health ministries, and governments increasingly rely on experts with formal training in data science to help them inform decisions. Evaluate data science projects and discern appropriate needs. Review sources and comparison of health data. Gain exposure to working with real-world data including electronic health records. Understand the principles of causal inference, the bedrock for comparative effectiveness research, and the array of causal inference methods available to HEOR analysts. Understand fundamental differences between these methods to help select appropriate ones. Learn the principles of machine learning and their applications in HEOR.
Certificate in Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Learn how to apply the principles of health economics to improve decision making in a complex health care environment. Understand health care markets and systems throughout the world. Evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatments, interventions and technologies through outcomes research.
Teaching Certificate in Pharmacy Education
Prepares current and future pharmacy educators for academic teaching and precepting, and to inspire others to consider academic careers.