The Pharmacy Alumni Association is launching a new tradition for the School of Pharmacy called HOST (Help Our Students Travel), where alumni across the state and country invite students to be guests in their homes during residency interviews or IPPE/APPE rotations. During pharmacy school, students can opt to participate in practice based experiential education rotations – Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) – or residency interviews outside of the Seattle metropolitan area. The HOST program not only saves students money but also offers students and alumni the opportunity to share pharmacy school stories with the next generation of Husky Pharmacists.
Students typically stay for the length of their rotation, and hosts are not expected to provide food or transportation (though, when their schedules allow, some do). If you’re an alum with a spare bedroom, couch or air mattress, please sign up! We will contact you when a student requests accommodation and you can decide if the timing works for you.
Unable to host a student but still want to get involved?
Make a gift
Timing and Confirmation
Alumni can register to become a host at any time. Students should register for HOST as soon as an interview or rotation is confirmed — the more time we have, the more likely we’ll be able to find you a place to stay.
Hosts are first contacted to make sure they are available — no matches are set up without confirmation from the host.
When we set up a student-alumni match, we will provide both the alumna/us and the student with each other’s contact information. Students are responsible for finalizing plans with their hosts and providing details about their stay.
Student Cancellations and Changes
If a trip is canceled, please let the alumni office know right away, so we do not continue to search for a host. The matching process is time-consuming, so it will free us up to work on other requests.
If cancellation happens after a match, the student must let both the host and the alumni office know. We ask that you give a minimum of one week’s notice.