UW Alert
- Receive notifications of emergencies or crisis situations that may disrupt the normal operation of the UW.
- Students, faculty and staff can subscribe to UW Alert and receive messages immediately via email, text message, Twitter, etc.
- Messages are also posted on the UW website, and may be broadcast from loudspeakers or within buildings as needed.
UW SafeCampus
Preventing violence is a shared responsibility in which everyone at the UW plays a part. The SafeCampus website provides information on counseling and safety resources, University policies, and violence reporting requirements that help us maintain a safe personal, work, and learning environment.
- Urgent and Imminent Threats: Always call 911 if you or others need assistance from police, fire, or emergency medical personnel.
- Potential or Suspected Threats: 206-685-SAFE (206-685-7233)
- Husky NightWalk (UW safety guards to walk with you): 206-685-WALK (206-685-9255)
- Violence Prevention and Response Training: free 50 minute training workshops, open to students, faculty and Learn to recognize concerning behaviors and how to respond in order to prevent violence in your workplace and on campus.
UW Police
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: (206) 685-UWPD (8973)
Anonymous Tips: (206) 685-TIPS (8477)
Business: (206) 543-0507
Email: uwpolice@uw.edu
3939 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105
The University of Washington Police Department website includes information about services and resources, including but not limited to:
- Sexual assault
- Domestic and relationship violence
- Victim advocacy
- Crime prevention tips
- Bike registration
- Electronics registration
- Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)
Student Health Insurance
Students are responsible for obtaining their own health care coverage. For more information, or if you need to find health insurance, please visit the UW Affordable Care site.
International students: Please see the International Student Health Insurance (ISHIP) site.
This department in Student Life offers training and education, as well as the following programs: UW Health and Wellness (part of the Division of Student Life)
Suicide Intervention Program
- Phone: (206) 543-6085 (For emergent situations, call 911)
- Email: livewell@uw.edu
- Possible warning signs for suicide
- Consultation and reaching out to students in need of support
Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence – Health and Wellness Advocate
Advocacy and support for students impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment and other related experiences. A Health & Wellness Advocate is available to meet with students and help them understand their rights and options for reporting both on campus and in the larger community as well as assist with connecting to resources, academic advocacy, and safety planning. Health & Wellness is a safe and confidential starting point for University of Washington students affected by these issues.
- Call or email to make an appointment with a Health & Wellness Advocate
- Phone: (206) 543-6085
- Email: hwadvoc@uw.edu
- Visit website for more information including definitions, rights, resources, and safety
Campus Safety & Emergency Resources
Main portal for emergency resources and contacts, such as UW Alert, UW Police, and Environmental Health and Safety, as well as emergency information for these topic areas:
- Claims & insurance
- Emergency preparations by type of hazard
- Fire and evacuation
- Global travel or study
- Hazardous materials
- Health
- Information security
- Lab Safety
- Safety and security guides
- Training
Hall Health Center
315 East Stevens Circle (upper campus, across from the HUB)
- Information (206) 685-1011
- Patient Service Center (for appointments): (206) 616-2495
- Consulting Nurse Service: (206) 221-2517
- Hours: M-F, 8-5 (except Tuesdays 9-5)
Hall Health Center is an outpatient clinic that provides health care to University of Washington students, alumni, faculty, and staff as well as the general community. Clinics and services include primary, specialty and mental health care, as well as immunization, pharmacy, the Women’s Health Clinic, radiology, STD Testing, health promotion, lab, medical records, physical therapy, measles requirement and health promotion services.
UW Counseling Center
401 Schmitz Hall, (206) 543-1240
The UW Counseling Center provides short-term counseling, assessment, referral, and crisis intervention services to currently enrolled University of Washington students. Services include:
- Individual, couple and group counseling
- Crisis services
- Career counseling
- Light therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Biofeedback training
- Podcasts, online mental health screenings, and other resources
Crisis Clinic
24-Hour Crisis Line: 206-461-3222 or 866-4CRISIS, (866-427-4747)
- Provides immediate help to individuals, families and friends of people in emotional crisis
- Can help you determine if you or your loved one need professional consultation and can link you to the appropriate services
- Primary source for linking Seattle-King County emergency mental health services
- Can provide immediate language interpretation in more than 155 languages
- Anonymous and confidential phone consultation
- CrisisChat – part of a national crisis chat network
- Online chat option for someone who needs to talk, but prefers to communicate online instead of over the phone
King County 2-1-1 Community Resources Online (CRO): Dial 2-11 or 206-461-3200 or 800-621- 4636
- The most up-to-date and comprehensive database of health and human services available for all of Washington State.
Washington Recovery Assistance Program for Pharmacy (WRAPP)
WRAPP is a confidential, non-coercive peer-assistance program which provides assistance in the identification, referral for treatment, recovery support and rehabilitation of the impaired pharmacist, pharmacy technician or pharmacy student.
For information and/or assistance, contact WRAPP at 1-800-446-7220 or contact Dr. Teresa O’Sullivan, UW School of Pharmacy, at 206-543-3324 or terrio@uw.edu.
All requests for information and/or assistance are held in strict confidence.
Policy on Sexual Harassment
Federal Laws and UW Policy prohibit all forms of sexual harassment. Visit the UW Health and Wellness page about Sexual Harassment for more details about rules and definitions, how to and where to seek help, and more. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either an implicit or explicit condition of an individual’s academic, work, living environment or participation in a University community.
- Submission or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for a decision that affects an individual’s academic, work, living environment or participation in a University community.
- The conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it could reasonably be expected to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning or work environment, or has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic, work, living environment, or participation in a University community.
Students may also contact the following:
- SOP Bias & Misconduct Resources
- Health & Wellness Advocate: hwadvoc@uw.edu
- University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO)
- Community Standards and Student Conduct (CSSC) or cssc@uw.edu for student-to-student conduct
- UW SafeCampus or 206-685-SAFE (7233)
- UW Police Department
- In the case of emergency, always call 911
UW Suspended Operations/Inclement Weather Policy
Although not likely, it may occasionally be necessary for the University of Washington President or President’s designee to temporarily suspend operations due to severe weather, natural disaster, or other emergency situations which may adversely affect the well-being of students, faculty and staff, public health, or University operations. For more information, visit the following links:
Executive Order No. 27: Suspended Operation Policy
Suspended Operations – HR Policies & Procedures
UW Alert and local media: We recommend that students sign up for the UW Alert system for timely notification of any campus closures. UW Alert messages can be delivered via email, text message, as well as via Facebook and Twitter. Information about campus closures are typically posted as a banner on the main UW website, and notices are also sent to local television and radio stations for broadcast.
UW Emergency Management
UW Emergency Management (UWEM) provides technical and custom services to all of UW, including trainings, orientations, consultative sessions, seminars and orientation materials as they relate to major campus crises, disaster and major emergency incidents. With input from their stakeholders, UWEM facilitates the development and implementation of institution-wide, department and individual protection programs and projects that promote disaster resilience, planning, training, mitigation, response, prevention and recovery for all-hazards. A UWEM officer is available via telephone 24/7 for advice regarding urgent campus situations, at 206-765-7192.
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
206-543-7262 or ehsdept@uw.edu
UW Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) addresses environmental issues in order to promote a safe educational and work place on campus. Areas covered include building and fire safety, environmental concerns, radiation, research and occupational safety, trainings, and more.
Office of the Ombud
(206) 543-6028, 339 Husky Union Building (HUB)
The UW Office of the Ombud helps individual members of the UW community explore and assert their rights and interests within the University, and works to improve the fairness and effectiveness of the University’s systems and operations. The Office of the Ombud offers appointments to discuss concerns, provides a process for achieving a fair and reasonable outcome, facilitates or mediates situations when appropriate, assists in understanding options and additional resources to address concerns.
UW Shuttles
The UW Shuttles system includes free transportation options for students, faculty, staff, and medical center patients and their families between key UW sites, such as the UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, UW Roosevelt Clinic, UW Tower, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and the UW South Lake Union facility. Buses are wheelchair lift equipped. Other shuttle options include Dial-A-Ride, an additional complementary shared-ride service for those with mobility limitations, and NightRide, for U-Pass holders.
Student Legal Services (SLS)
HUB 306, 206-543-6486
Student Legal Services (SLS) is a law office on the UW-Seattle campus that provides confidential legal advice and representation to current students, including a free 40-minute legal consultation.
Emergency Contacts
Although it is not required, we suggest that you consider listing an emergency contact with the Registrar’s Office.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Please visit the UW FERPA for Students website for full details.
Generally speaking, FERPA allows the University to disclose education records or personally identifiable information from education records in the following circumstances: with the written consent of the student, if the disclosure meets one of the statutory exemptions, or if the disclosure is directory information and the student has not placed a hold on release of directory information. Pursuant to WAC 478-140-024(5), directory information at the University of Washington is defined as:
- Student’s name
- Street address
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Date of birth
- Dates of attendance
- Degrees and awards received
- Major and minor field(s) of studies
- Class
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
- Weight and height, if student is a member of an intercollegiate athletic team
FERPA allows the University to release a student’s directory information to anyone unless the student informs the Office of the University Registrar that he or she does not wish directory information to be released.
In addition, FERPA also affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Please review the UW Notification o f Students’ Rights Under FERPA website for full details and resources.
Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), you have the right to:
- Inspect and review information contained in your education records,
- Challenge the contents of your education records,
- Request a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory,
- Submit an explanatory statement for inclusion in the education record if the outcome of the hearing is unsatisfactory,
- Prevent disclosure with certain exceptions of personally identifiable information,
- Secure a copy of the institution policy, and
- File complaints with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by institutions to comply with the Contact information is available on the UW FERPA web site.
Student academic files are located in Student Services, H-362. Students may review their own file with assistance from Student Services.
Personal Release
In order to publish your name and/or picture in any School of Pharmacy related publications, such as the class composite pictures or the Graduate Recognition Ceremony program, the School requires a signed Personal Release form. If you do not wish to authorize the use of your name and/or picture you may indicate this on the form. Regardless of the authorization of release preference, all students are required to complete the Personal Release form and submit it to our office.
Computer Policy
While the School does not require incoming students to purchase computers, we encourage you to have one for your personal use. The successful completion of the program will require that you have routine and full access to a computer and the ability to use web browsers to access course websites, download and read handouts, course-related documents and interactive modules that are posted on websites.
During your course of study, you will need to read and post electronic messages several times per week to complete assignments. In addition you will be required to print some assignments and syllabi.
Students may request financial assistance to purchase a computer by contacting the UW Office of Student Financial Aid. The PharmD Student Lounge is equipped with two MAC and two PC computers for student use, and students may also visit the Health Sciences Library and other computer labs on campus.