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UW Academic Calendar

The PharmD program follows the UW Academic Calendar, which is organized according to the quarter system and includes dates of instruction, the UW Final Exam Schedule, University holidays and observances, registration deadlines and related dates for adding and dropping courses, tuition and fees, and more.

PharmD Student Calendars

Student calendars are housed on the Current Student Canvas site (UW NetID login) and include the following:

  • Student Events
  • PY1-PY3 Exams
  • PY1-PY3 Core Courses
  • PharmD Professional Elective Courses

Requesting Calendar Posting Permission

  • If you are a Student Organization leader and would like to request permission to post to the Student Events Calendar, please send an email to with your request.
  • Once you receive posting permission, you will receive an email to accept and add the Outlook calendar.
  • Faculty wishing to post entries to the exam calendars should email exam details to Diane Romero.

Student Events Calendar Guidelines

  • Events are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage student organization leaders to post their planned event to the calendar prior to pursuing a room reservation in order to prevent double booking between student organizations.
    • If there is a double booking, both parties must notify each other of the double booking before the second event can be posted. Events can be double booked as long as both parties agree the overlap is acceptable. The first organization to post their event must give written consent to the second organization to double book their slot.
  • Student organizations are discouraged from planning more than two (2) events during the same time slot unless all parties have agreed.
  • Students are encouraged to plan joint, collaborative events with other organizations whenever possible.
  • We agree not to cancel any other person’s/organization’s event on the Student Events Calendar.
  • Please remember that all PharmD students, staff, and faculty can view these calendars, so make sure your postings are respectful and relevant to the PharmD program.
  • Student Affairs staff members monitor all postings and may remove or request changes to postings if the need arises.