The PharmD Student Success Team partners with students, staff, faculty, and preceptors across the School of Pharmacy to create solutions for PharmD student success and well-being. These solutions sometimes include outreach to a variety of student support services across campus.
When to Submit a PharmD Student Support Request
For situations in which a student’s behavior is not consistent with what you expect in your interactions, it can be very helpful to share that observation with the student to provide support and reinforcement of behavioral expectations prior to a higher-level intervention.
If, after discussing the issue with the student, you are still concerned, we ask that you complete a PharmD Student Support Request. Student Success Team staff will work with you to identify the next steps.
Reasons to submit a PharmD Student Support Request:
- Concern that a PharmD student may not successfully complete a course.
- Concern about a PharmD student’s well-being (for concerns about mental and physical health, or disruptive/unusual behaviors, see the notes below about the UW Care Team)
- PharmD student requires academic assistance beyond your scope
- PharmD student requires personal support and resources
- Unresolved X or I grades at the end of a quarter
- Consultation about options to provide flexibility within courses/the PharmD program
- General concern about a PharmD student’s ability to complete the program
PharmD Student Support Request
When to Submit a UW Care Report
In addition to Advising and Counseling, some student experiences can be addressed by the UW Student Care Team. While we ask that your first step be to communicate to Advising and Counseling, we also encourage thoughtful use of the UW Care Report. The UW Student Care Team is made up of representatives from multiple campus units including Community Standards & Student Conduct, the Counseling Center, Disability Resources for Students, UW LiveWell, the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, SafeCampus, Student Life, and UWPD.
Please note that the UW Care Report is not directly linked to OPPE or the School of Pharmacy. Although we may be contacted to help support the student, we will not receive a copy of your UW Care Report submission. In certain cases, Advising and Counseling staff may elevate student experiences to the UW Student Care Team as well.
Reasons to submit a Care Report to the UW Student Care Team include:
- Concern about a non-PharmD student (e.g., an SOP graduate student or a student from another school or college)
- Concern for a student’s well-being
- Significant change in a student’s behavior
- Disruptive behaviors in learning, living, or work environment
- A noticeable change from socially-appropriate behavior
- Disclosing distressing life circumstances (e.g., finances, family or relationship)
- Withdrawal from usual social interactions
- Significant decline in personal hygiene
- Substance use/abuse
- Severe homesickness
When to Seek Emergency Services
If you know a student is having an emergency or you are concerned the student is a danger to self, others, or the campus community, please consider the situation critically and seek the appropriate emergency services. 911 is the most common emergency response but may not always be what is best. 988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. 211 is available in Washington State to help with health and human service needs including food, housing, mental health, and more.
After contacting Emergency Services, please let Advising and Counseling know about the situation.
When to contact UW SafeCampus
If you have a concern about violence, suicidal ideation, sexual assault or sexual misconduct, please call SafeCampus. Professionals trained in threat assessment, crisis response, and fear de-escalation are available Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm (excluding UW holidays) at 206-685-SAFE (7233). Outside of these hours, SafeCampus provides a list of 24/7 UW and community resources.
After contacting SafeCampus, please let Advising and Counseling know about the situation.
Student Support Decision Buddy