The School of Pharmacy Mass Spectrometry Center is home to 11 mass spectrometers and LCs that are available for use by students, staff, faculty and outside users.
High Resolution / High Mass Accuracy Instruments:
AB Sciex 5600 QTOF
Tandem Quadrupole MS
Tandem Quadrupole MS
General application: The TripleTOF 5600+ System is an innovation in LC-MS/MS performance that uniquely integrates comprehensive, qualitative exploration, rapid profiling, and high-resolution quantitation workflows on a single platform. It combines high-sensitivity detection, high resolution with the fast acquisition speeds, and stable mass accuracy over days of acquisition.
Agilent 6520 Accurate Mass QTOF
LC-Tof-MS (QTOF) – Quadrupole MS
General application: Fully automated quantitative analysis of drugs and metabolites.
Waters Synapt - G1 QTOF
Tandem Quadrupole MS
Tandem Quadrupole MS
General application: High sensitivity fully automated quantification and screening. Drug metabolism and interaction studies. Data dependent analysis of complex biological extracts.
Waters Synapt - G2 HDX QTOF
Tandem Quadrupole MS
Tandem Quadrupole MS
General application: High sensitivity fully automated quantification and screening. Drug metabolism and interaction studies. Data dependent analysis of complex biological exdivacts.
Thermo LTQ-OT
Tandem Hybrid MS/MS
Tandem Hybrid MS/MS
General application: Capillary LC/MS/MS of proteolytic digests of simple and complex mixtures.
Triple Quad Instruments:
Agilent 6460 QQQ
LC-MS (QQQ) – Quadrupole MS
General application: Drug metabolism and interaction studies. Data dependent analysis of complex biological extracts.
Waters Xevo TQ-S-1
Tandem Quadrupole MS
Tandem Quadrupole MS
General application: High sensitivity fully automated quantification and screening. Drug metabolism and interaction studies. Data dependent analysis of complex biological extracts.
Waters Xevo TQ-S-2
Tandem Quadrupole MS
Tandem Quadrupole MS
General application: High sensitivity fully automated quantification and screening. Drug metabolism and interaction studies. Data dependent analysis of complex biological extracts.
AB/Sciex API4000 Qtrap
LC-MS/MS (Qtrap)
Tandem Quadrupole MS
Tandem Quadrupole MS
General application: Drug metabolism and interaction studies. Data dependent analysis of complex biological extracts
AB/Sciex 6500
Tandem Quadrupole MS
Tandem Quadrupole MS
General application: High sensitivity fully automated quantification and screening. Quantitative proteomics, drug metabolism and interaction studies.
MALDI, GC and UV/Vis Fraction Collector:
Bruker Autoflex II
LC-MS (Q) – Quadrupole MS
General application: Drug metabolism and interaction studies. Data dependent analysis of complex biological extracts.
GC-MS(Q) – Quadrupole MS
General application: Automated quantitative and qualitative analysis. Drugs, metabolites, and endogenous compound studies. Characterization and Identification of synthetic and natural products.
UV/Vis DAD With Fraction Collector
1290 Agilent Infinity UPLC Stack
Agilent 1260 Fraction Collector
Agilent DAD UV/Vis Detector