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Department of Medicinal Chemistry


The Mass Spectrometry Center is operated as a Cost Center through which institutional users (academic, non-profit and corporate), including those of the host Department, contribute to the upkeep of the resource by means of a recharge system.

Rates are determined annually and are based on the total operating costs of the Center (salaries, supplies, and maintenance) and individual instrument usage. All rates are reviewed and approved by the University of Washington Administration and are subject to change.

Users funded by federal, academic, and nonprofit organizations without University of Washington affiliation will be assessed an additional 15.6% indirect charge as directed by the University’s Administration. Unless other arrangements have been made, the Center will bill for its services on a monthly basis.

Recognizing the diversity of research interests on- and off-campus the Center offers three separate “for fee” services to the investigator. These are: Submitted Sample Analysis; Investigator Instrument Use; and Protocol Development.

Submitted Sample Analysis

In general, samples requiring quantitative analysis are charged on a per hour rate after development needs are met. All others are per sample. Sample preparation and submission requirements are discussed in the Sample Submission section. The following table summarizes the “Service Charges” for the types of analyses performed on Submitted Samples.

Table I- SUBMITTED SAMPLE RATE CHARGES (Analyses performed by Center Personnel)

UW Academics Non-Profits External Rate (commercial)
AMM (High resolution mass analysis) direct injection ea 155 179 355
Accurate mass involving LC prior to analysis ea 165 191 365

Investigator Instrument Use

Investigators must have a specific project requiring the relatively regular and repeated use of a specific instrument to qualify for training. Training is provided at a charge rate of $100/hr and $200/hour for academic and corporate users, respectively. See Investigator Instrument Use under Services for more details.

Table II – INVESTIGATOR USE RATE CHARGES (Center trained Users)

UW Academics Non-Profits External Rate (commercial)
Instrument Unit Base $ $ $
Waters Synapt G2 QTOF 10hr block/hr 350/70 465/81 3500/300
Waters Synapt G2 QTOF-XS (MALDI IMAGING) 10hr block/hr 400/80 465/81 3600/350
Thermo LTQOT-ELITE 10hr block/hr 310/70 405/81 3500/300
Sciex 6500 hr 80 92 360
Sciex 5600 hr 80 92 360
Agilent 6460 QQQ hr 80 92 360
Autoflex II hr 60 69 350
QP 2010 hr 40 46 325
Water’s TUV hr 80 92 300
Waters Xevo TQS hr 80 92 375
Waters Xevo TQS-2 hr 80 92 375
Waters Xevo TQ-XS hr 80 92 375

*External non-profit rates are calculated based on UW Academic rates plus a 15.6% indirect charge mandated by the University of Washington.

N.B. The Center reserves the right to regulate the use of instruments by individuals or research groups and/or to deny instrument access due to overbooking and/or demonstrated incompetence.


The costs associated with the development of a Sample Preparation and/or Mass Spectrometry Protocol are highly dependent upon the degree of sample complexity, the levels of instrumentation required to achieve meaningful results, and the depth of previously reported analytical work. In addition, the availability and competency of technical personnel also plays an important role in the satisfactory establishment and maintenance of an assay.

Given the variability of these factors it is extremely difficult to estimate the costs of development and implementation of a protocol without a detailed analysis of its specific requirements. Unless agreed otherwise, personnel costs for these services will be assessed at the rate of $50 and $100/hour for academic and corporate investigators, respectively. In addition, mass spectrometer use by Center personnel in the course of Protocol Development will be added to the billing at the appropriate hourly Investigator Use Rate.

The first step in the development of a protocol or assay and establishing development costs is to specifically determine its requirements. The Center provides two questionnaires to assist in this process. These are the SAMPLE PREPARATION DEVELOPMENT (PDF or DOC) and the MASS SPECTROMETRY ASSAY DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONNAIRES (PDF or DOC). Individuals interested in developing an assay through the Center (by advisement, collaboration, or contract services) are required to complete the appropriate questionnaire(s) before beginning the process. Please contact Dale Whittington ( or (206) 543-6439) for more information with regard to Protocol Development.