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Department of Pharmacy

Teaching and Learning Certificate Program


The Teaching and Learning Certificate Program (TLCP) at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy (SOP) provides participants with a distinctive, application-based avenue to enhance their role and impact as educators. This program is designed for healthcare providers and educators and structured as a continuous professional development process. The goal is to develop participants’ skills in the classroom and clinical practice setting, fostering their growth as lifelong professional mentors.

Program Objectives

By completing this program, the participants will be able to:

  1. Develop and apply teaching and precepting skills
  2. Incorporate skills into lifelong learning and professional development
  3. Foster a professional relationship with learners, university, etc

Intended Audience

PGY1 pharmacy practice residents

Program Requirements

  • Attend two in-person summer full day workshops (8/22/24 and 9/12/24): Approximately 8 hours/day (total of 16 hours)
  • Complete at least one teaching practicum: Total of 25-30 hours (includes classroom contact and non-contact time, and mentorship)
  • Create and maintain teaching portfolio

Curriculum/Educational Activities

Attend 2 full-day workshops:

Workshop #1 (8/22/24)  “The ART of Teaching and Learning”

    • Reflection and Personal Goals
    • Educational Methods and Strategies
    • Assessment of Learning
    • Curriculum

Workshop #1 (9/12/24)  “The HEART of Teaching and Learning”

    • Clinician Educator Roles
    • Learning Environment
    • Feedback
    • Performance Improvement


    • Participants will engage in at least one SOP-based course as their teaching practicum during which they will apply teaching and precepting skills with mentorship

Enrollment and Program Costs

Please complete both parts –

  1. Enrollment/registration
  2. Payment of program fee ($350/participant)
    • Due date (Thursday, August 8, 2024): late fee applies after this date
    • If paying by UW budget code, please have your finance person contact Alex Tu at


Questions about the program can be sent to