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Annual Funding Benefits Access
$50,000 Access, including early interviewing (with consenting student interest), to graduates and postdoctoral fellows throughout training as part of special campus visits by Partner personnel Annual DMTSPR faculty, student, and postdoctoral symposium (Summer)

Also, formal and informal interviewing arranged during UW visits

First access to list of students available for summer internships Distribution of list of students interested in an intern experience
Increased votes on Steering Committee to determine annual DMTSPR activities 1 vote per voting cycle


Access to graduate level classes in the departments of Pharmaceutics and Medicinal Chemistry Benefactors may select from course listings. 2 corporate representatives can participate per year.
Seat on DMTSPR Steering Committee Semi-Annual Meeting

Review and recommend direction of program and its research

Additional input on program direction, can, at any time, be directed to DMTSPR Executive Leadership

*All funding levels require a three-year commitment.