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Adkison, Kimberly (1994)
Thesis: Central Nervous System Transport of Valproic Acid
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Alade, Nathan (2023)
Thesis: Precision Approaches for Assessing Complex Pharmacogenomic Traits in Vitamin K Metabolism
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Amore, Benny (1996)
Thesis: Mechanism of Carbamazepine Teratogenictity
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Anderson, Gail (1987)
Thesis: The Interaction of Phenobarbital and Valproic Acid in the Rat
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Andrada, Dominic (1999)
Thesis: Liposome-Anchored Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Peptide Analog
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Anoshchenko, Lena (2021)
Thesis:Prediction of Human Fetal Exposure to P-gp Substrate Drugs Using the Proteomics-informed Relative Expression Factor Approach and PBPK Modeling and Simulation.
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Arian, Christopher (2024)
Thesis: Development and Characterization of a Human Intestinal Organoid Monolayer Model to Predict Oral Drug Disposition
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Arends, Rosalin (1998)
Thesis: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Opioid Analgesics
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Bajpai, Manoj (1996)
Thesis: Metabolic Isozymes of Phenytoin and Their Roles in Its Drug Interactions
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Beaumier, Paul (1981)
Thesis: The Use of Radioisotopes as Probes for the Characterization of Liposomal Behavior in Vivo and in Vitro
Thesis Advisor: Karl Hwang, Ph.D.

Bergagnini-Kolev,Mackenzie (2020)
Thesis:Altered Vitamin D Metabolism in Health and Disease
Thesis advisor: Yvonne Lin, Ph.D.

Bethune, Claudette (1999)
Thesis: The Role of Drug-Lipid Interactions in Biodistribution and Therapeutic Effects for Drug Incorporated into Lipsomes
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Buchanan, Megan (2010)
Thesis: The Genotype-Phenotype Relationship between Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphisms and Tacrolimus Level-Dose Ratios
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Carlson, Sonia (2000)
Thesis: A New Data Mining Tool: The Metabolic Drug Interaction Database with Enhanced Search Capability
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Cesar, Francine (2021)
Thesis: Development of a Cystic Fibrosis Microphysiological Model of the Kidney Proximal Tubule
Thesis Advisor: Edward Kelly, Ph.D.

Chang, Shih-Ling (1983)
Thesis: Mechanism of the Interaction Between Valproic Acid and Carbamazepine in the Rat
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Chen, Freddy (2020)
Thesis: A Pharmacometrics Approach to Understanding Drug Disposition and Drug Interactions in Healthy Individuals and Patients Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Thesis Advisor: Yvonne Lin, Ph.D.

Chen, Xinyue (2024)
Thesis: Characterization of an Orthotopic Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) Tumor Model and Targeted Therapeutics for PDAC
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Chien, Jenny (1997)
Thesis: Pharmacokinetics of Drug Interactions Due to Ligand Stabilization Of CYP2EI
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Crouthamel, Matthew (2010)
Thesis: The Impact of Genetic Variation and Tissue Selective Expression of the Multidrug Resistant Transporter P-Glycoprotein: Evaluation in Recombinant Cells and Development of Transgenic Mouse Models
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Dahlin, Amber (2008)
Thesis: Molecular cloning and characterization of the murine plasma membrane monoamine transporter (Slc29a4): function, expression and physiological significance
Thesis Advisor: Joanne Wang, Ph.D.

Dai, Yang (2006)
Thesis: Impact of the CYP3A5 Polymorphism on the Metabolic Disposition of the Calcineurin Inhibitors
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Emery, Maurice (1999)
Thesis: Aspects of Human CYP2E1 Regulation in Health and Disease
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Endres, Chris (2008)
Thesis: The Role of the Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter 1 (ENT1) on the Absorption and Disposition of Ribavirin in the Mouse
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Endsley, Aaron (2011)
Thesis: Targeted Antiviral Drug Delivery to HIV Target Cells in Lymphoid Tissue
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Erickson, Inga (2024)
Thesis: Intestinal Dysbiosis Alters Seizure Burden and Antiseizure Medicine Activity Profile in the Theiler’s Virus Model of Acute Encephalitis
Thesis Advisor: Melissa Barker-Haliski, Ph.D. and Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Fisher, Jeannine (1998)
Thesis: CYP3A-Dependent Midazolam Metabolism in Modified Caco-2-cells
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Gibbs, John (1998)
Thesis: Age-Dependent Busulfan Disposition and Its relation to GSTAI-1 Expression
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Gibbs (Robinson), Megan (1999)
Thesis: Characterization of Drug Interactions Involving Intestinal CYP3A: Role of Sequestration and Protein Binding
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Griffin, James Ian (2023)
Thesis: Advancing Treatments for Leukemia and Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: Targeted Drug Combination Nanoparticles and Subsequent Synchronized Delivery of Multiple Associated Small Molecule Drugs
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Han,Lyrialle (2020)
Thesis: Drug Disposition during Pregnancy: Transport, Metabolism, and the Gut Microbiome
Thesis advisor: Qingcheng Mao, Ph.D.

Hao, Tianran (2023)
Thesis: Dysregulation of Human Hepatic Drug Transporters by Proinflammatory Cytokines
Thesis Advisor: Qingcheng Mao, Ph.D. and Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Hoekman, John(2010)
Thesis: The Impact of Enhanced Olfactory Deposition and Retention on Direct Nose-to-Brain Drug Delivery
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Hsiao, Peng (2011)
Thesis: Can P-glycoprotein based drug interactions at the Human Blood-Brain Barrier be Predicted from in vitro and rat in vivo studies?
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Hurst, Susan (1999)
Thesis: Roles of Cytochromes P450 and Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase In Drug-Drug Interactions Involving Valproic Acid and its Analogues
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Huang,Weili (2006)
Thesis: Impact of CYP3A5 and P-glycoprotein on Hepatic and Renal Drug Clearance
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Huang, Weize (2020)
Thesis: Mechanistic Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling of Renal and Systemic Disposition of Drugs and Metabolites
Thesis advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Jefferis, Marlene (1996)
Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Jones-Isaac, Kendan (2023)
Thesis: Evaluating the Impact of Microgravity on a Microphysiologic Model of Kidney Stone Disease
Thesis Advisor: Edward Kelly, Ph.D.

Kavanagh, Ronald (1995)
Thesis: Evaluation of Models to Study Mechanisms of Enhanced Xenobiotic Sulfation in Cystic Fibrosis
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Kerr, Brad (1988)
Thesis: Role of Epoxide Hydrolase in Carbamazepine Epoxide Drug Interactions
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Kim, Chungsook (1985)
Thesis: Pharmacokinetic-Aspects of Sulfoconjugation
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Kinman, Loren (2005)
Thesis: Lipid-Drug Association Enhanced HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor Indinavir Localization in Lymphoid Tissues
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Koch, Kevin (1985)
Thesis: Role of Beta-Oxidation in Valproic Acid Clearance
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Kroetz, Deanna H. (1990)
Thesis: Inhibition of Human Liver Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Kumar, Aditya (2023)
Thesis: Quantification and Prediction of Human Fetal (-)-delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)/11-OH-THC Exposure to Inform Neurodevelopmental Toxicity of Cannabis
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

LaFrance, Jeffrey (2024)
Thesis: Study of the Impact of Isotretinoin Administration on CYP3A4 Activity Using 6β-Hydroxylation of Cortisol and Cortisone as Endogenous Biomarkers
Thesis Advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Lalovic, Bojan (2003)
Thesis: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral oxycodone: Role of Active Metabolites
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Lane, Elizabeth (1981)
Thesis: Studies on Parent-Metabolite Relationships for Cinromide and two Metabolites
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Laganiere, Sylvie (1986)
Thesis: Disposition Kinetics of Propranololin Uremia
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Lau, S.W. Johnny (1985)
Thesis: Nasal Absorption of Diazepam and Lorazepam
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Lee, Caroline (1993)
Thesis: Effects of Methylxanthines on Acetaminophen Reactive Metabolite Formation
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Lee, Chi-Hyun (1990)
Thesis: Uremia Induced Intrinsic Defect in Propranolol Metabolism
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Lehmann, Paul (1986)
Thesis: Percutaneous Absorption of Retinoids
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Li, Shuang Wu (Cheryl) (2002)
Thesis: Transport of Valproic Acid in the Brain: Involvement of Multiple Organic Anion Transporters
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Li, Meng (2007)
Thesis: UTI Antibiotics: Mechanism of Transport and In Vivo Interaction with Cranberry Juice
Thesis Advisor: Joanne Wang , Ph.D.

Lidberg, Kevin (2021)
Thesis: Human serum components drive primary proximal tubule epithelial cells toward a proinflammatory phenotype
Thesis Advisor: Edward Kelly, Ph.D.

Lin, Jasmie (1993)
Thesis: Mechanisms of Valproic Acid Associated Hepatotoxicity
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Lin, Yi-Xin (1997)
Thesis: Steroid Hormones and Anti-epileptic Drugs
Thesis Advisor: Gail Anderson, Ph.D.

Lin, Yvonne (2002)
Thesis: Variability in CYP3A Expression and Metabolism: Influence of Genetics and Probe Substrate Selection
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Lockhart, Catherine (2016)
Thesis: Function and Regulation of Cytochrome P450 4V2 and the Implications in Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy
Thesis Advisor: Edward Kelly, Ph.D.

Lopez Quinones, Antonio (2021)
Thesis: The roles of the polyspecific organic cation transporters in the disposition of mIBG
and implications for toxicities and drug interactions
Thesis Advisor: Joanne Wang, Ph.D.

Loughren, Michael (2008)
Thesis: Herb-Opioid Interactions Involving Modulation of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and P-Glycoprotein
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Madani, Soraya (1998)
Thesis: Comparative Metabolic Kinetics of Hepatic and Intestinal CYP2D6 And CYP3A: In Vitro Probe Studies with Metoprolol & Terfenadine
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Marathe (Karnik), Punit (1989)
Thesis: Investigation of Mechanism by which Thermal Injury Produces Resistance to Nonpolarizing Muscle Relaxants
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Mathias, Anita (2004)
Thesis: Mechanisms of Accelerated Clearance of Anti-HIV Protease Inhibitors in Pregnancy
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Manyike, Peter (1998)
Thesis: CYP2E1: Mechanism of Induction by Isoniazid and Role in Acetaminophen Oxidation
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

McConn II, Donavon (2001)
Thesis: Cytochromes P450 3A4 and 3A5: Metabolic and Inhibitory Differences
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

McConnachie, Lisa (2001)
Thesis: Interindividual Variability in Drug Metabolism: CYP2D6 as a Model Enzyme.
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Moss, Aaron (2010)
Thesis: The role of nucleoside transporters in the absorption and distribution of the nucleoside drugs ribavirin and gemcitabine
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

O’Connor-Semmes, Robin (1988)
Thesis: Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics and Anticonvulsant Efficacy of E – (2 Valproic Acid in the Rat
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Paine, Mary (1997)
Thesis: CYP3A-Dependent First-Pass Metabolism: Intestine vs. Liver
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Pulham, David (1991)
Thesis: Bioavailability Assessment Based on Parent Drug and Metabolite Concentrations: Statistical Advantage in the Well-Stirred Model
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Qiu, Ruolun (2003)
Thesis: ABCC2(cMOAT): Role in hydroxycyclophosphamide elimination from the liver and survival of high dose cyclophosphamide regimens.
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Qiu, Wei (2000)
Thesis: In Vitro and In Vivo Methods for Predictions of CYP2C9 Kinetic Parameters for Phenytoin and Tolbutamide
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Ren, Aaron Gang (2005)
Thesis: Immunosuppressants Used in the Conditioning Regimens for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Ren, Song (1999)
Thesis: Metabolism of Cyclophosphamide: Implications for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Rohatgi, Priyanka (2010)
Thesis: Characterization of a Lamellar Ichthyosis-Associated P450, CYP4F22 and Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy- Associated P450, CYP4v3
Thesis Advisor: Ed Kelly, Ph.D.

Roskos, Lorin (1994)
Thesis: Inhibition of Hepatic Metabolism of (S)-Propanolol by Uremic Blood Constituents
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Salvador Vieira , Letícia (2023)
Thesis: The Polyspecific Organic Cation Transporters: Role in Cancer Drug Targeting, Xenobiotic Disposition, and Drug-drug Interactions
Thesis Advisor: Joanne Wang, Ph.D.

Sawyer, Kevin (1999)
Thesis: Phenytoin Metabolism by CYP3A7: Implications for Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Scott, Ariel Michelle (2023)
Thesis: Development of Long-acting Formulation of Dolutegravir Sodium for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Senn, Taurence (2000)
Thesis: The Differential Effects of Calcitriol and Paricalcitol on CYP3A And P-glycoprotein Expression
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Shum, Sara (2020)
Thesis: I am interested in understanding xenobiotics disposition and pharmacokinetics. My research focuses on elucidating and predicting pharmacokinetics changes during pregnancy especially predicting maternal fetal transfer.
Advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Steinbronn, Claire (2023)
Thesis: Static and Dynamic Forms to Determine DDI Potential and Sources of Pharmacokinetic Variability
Thesis Advisor: Samuel Arnold, Ph.D.

Sun, Austin (2023)
Thesis: Molecular Mechanisms of Drug Transport at the Blood-CSF Barrier Revealed by Live Tissue Imaging and Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy
Thesis Advisor: Joanne Wang, Ph.D.

Tay, Suzanne (2009)
Thesis Advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Thatcher, Jayne (2010)
Thesis: Characterization of the retinoic acid hydroxylases CYP26A1 and CYP26B1: catalytic activity, tissue expression, and ligand selectivity
Thesis Advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Templeton, Ian (2008)
Thesis: Contribution of itraconazole and its metabolites to in vivo CYP3A4 inhibition
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel,Ph.D.

Thomassen, David (1989)
Thesis: Mechanisms of Pulegone Hepatotoxicity
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Thummel, Kenneth (1987)
Thesis: Mechanism by which Ethanol Protects Against Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Tuntland, Tove (1996)
Thesis: Mechanisms of Transfer of Anti-HIV Dideoxynucleoside Drugs Across the Placenta and the Blood-CSF Barrier
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Voellinger, Jenna (2015)
Thesis: Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Thesis Advisor: Edward Kelly, Ph.D.

Walker, Alysa (2010)
Thesis: Mechanisms by which Pregnancy Decreases Rat CYP1A2 Activity and Expression
Thesis Advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Wang, Ji-Ping (1992) Deceased
Thesis: Renal Tublar Secretion of Ticarcillin in Cystic Fibrosis
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Wang, Kai (2024)
Thesis: Effect of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines on Intestinal Drug Transporters in Human Enteroid Monolayers
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Weber, Allan (1999)
Thesis: Induction of P450 (CYP3A6) in Rabbits by the Fifamycins, Rifabutin, and Rifampin, and Administration of Tobramycin by Aerosolization to Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Weber, Elijah (2018)
Thesis: Development of a Microphysiological Model of the Kidney Proximal Tubule and Application in Predictive Toxicity Testing of Polymyxin Antibiotics
Thesis Advisor: Edward Kelly, Ph.D.

Wedlund, Peter (1981)
Thesis: Carbamazepine: Mechanism of Autoinduction of Clearance in Rhesus Monkey and Rat
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

White, Catherine(1985)
Thesis: In Vitro Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamic Studies of Beta-Lactam Efficacy
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Wilson, John (1984)
Thesis: Pharmacokinetics and Metabolic Aspects of Acetaminophen Toxicity in Man and Swiss-Webster Mice
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Winter, Helen (1998)
Thesis: Strategies to Reduce Arylamire Drug Toxicity in People with AIDS
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Woodahl, Erica Lynn(2004)
Genetic variations in the multidrug resistance gene ( MDR1): Impact on drug delivery and disposition
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Wurden (Johnson), Colleen (2000)
Thesis: Metabolism of Carbamazepine and Inhibitory Drug Interactions
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Xu, Guangyuan (2024)
Thesis: Analytical methods to determine the degree of drug association for complex injectable drug-combination particles containing multiple drug substances
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Xu, Yang (2005)
Thesis: Regulation of Intestinal CYP3A4 Expression and Metabolism of 1Alpha, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Xu, Yun (2004)
Thesis: Mechanistic Studies on the Differences between in vitro and in vivo Inhibition Potencies of Fluvoxamine towards Various Cytochrome P450S
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Yabut, King (2024)
Thesis: Human Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein (FABP1) Alters THC Metabolism by CYP2C9, CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 in vitro
Thesis Advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Yang, Bing-Bing (Bonnie) (1992)
Thesis: Hepatic Uptake of S-Propranolol in Uremia
Thesis Advisor: Danny Shen, Ph.D.

Yao, Caiping (2001)
Thesis: Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Inhibition Potencies of Fluvoxamine Toward CYP1AZ and CYP2C19
Thesis Advisor: René Levy, Ph.D.

Yin, Mengyue (Melody) (2023)
Thesis: Prediction of Transporter-Based Drug Clearances and Tissue Concentrations: Relative Expression Factor Approach and Protein-Mediated Uptake Effect
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Yimam, Mesfin (2004)
Thesis: Identification and Characterization of Primate P-Glycoprotein
Thesis Advisor: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Yu, Jesse (2020)
Thesis: Targeted drug combination nanoparticles enhance exposure of gemcitabine and paclitaxel in breast cancer cells: A novel approach to treat metastasis
Thesis: Rodney Ho, Ph.D.

Zhang, Cindy (2024)
Thesis: Oral Drug Pharmacokinetics and Treatment Effects in Populations Affected by Diarrheal Diseases
Thesis advisor: Samuel Arnold, Ph.D.

Zhang,Haeyoung (2020)
Thesis: Characterization of Interindividual Variability and Differential Tissue Abundance of UGT2B17: Discovery of a Potential Biomarker and Drug Interaction Prediction
Thesis advisor: Kenneth E Thummel, Ph.D.

Zhang, Huixia (2009)
Thesis: Mechanisms by which pregnancy increases the clearance of the anti-HIV protease inhibitor, nelfinavir
Thesis Advisor: Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D.

Zhang, Yi (2007)
Thesis: Potential Impact of Breast Cancer Resistance Protein on Drug Disposition during Pregnancy
Thesis Advisor: Qingcheng Mao, Ph.D.

Zhao, Ping (2002)
Thesis: The Influence of Alcohol on Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity: CYP2E1 Induction and Selective Mitochondrial Glutathione Depletion
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.

Zhao, Yuqian (2023)
Thesis: Determining the Effect of Isotretinoin on CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 Activity in Patients with Severe Acne
Thesis Advisor: Nina Isoherranen, Ph.D.

Zheng, Emily (2010)
Thesis: Human PXR-mediated Dysregulation of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 function: A Possible Mechanism of Drug-induced Osteomalacia
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Zheng, Songmao (2012)
Thesis: The Impact of CYP3A5 Variation and Pregnancy on the Metabolic Disposition of Calcineurin Inhibitors Thesis
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Thummel, Ph.D.

Zhou, Lin (2009)
Thesis: Glyburide Disposition during Pregnancy: the Role of BCRP(ABCG2) Transporter and Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
Thesis Advisor: Qingcheng Mao, Ph.D.

Zhou, Mingyan (2007)
Thesis: Structural and Functional Analysis of a Novel Organic Cation/Monoamine Transporter PMAT in SLC29 family
Thesis Advisor: Joanne Wang , Ph.D.

Zimmerman, Cheryl (1983)
Thesis: Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Methotrexate in Skin
Thesis Advisor: John Slattery, Ph.D.