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Faculty Reviews Working Model for Curriculum

School of Pharmacy faculty and staff review models.

The Curricular Innovation Guidance Team met with School faculty, several PY4 students, guest pharmacists, and staff, at an All-School Faculty Retreat for discussion of a proposed curricular model framework. The group worked with the recognition that key goals for the new curriculum include creation of greater opportunity for students to gain experience as providers, and improvement of analytic thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Groups discussed ways in which we can achieve this, such as through increased efficiency, consideration of prerequisites and potential overlap within the existing curriculum, synchronization of topics within a clinical area, and increased and earlier patient care experiences. The Curricular Innovation team presented a working model to the group for use in table discussions. The table groups discussed responses to the model, ideas for increased efficiency, what topics may be included in an introductory fundamentals unit, what may be foundational, more application-based, and what may be integrated for better learning.

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