
  • PhD in Economics, Stanford University
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Indiana University

Research Interests

  • National and international health policy issues
  • Economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals, devices, diagnostics, and other technologies
  • Personalized/precision/regenerative medicines

Courses taught

  • PHARM 534/HSERV 583: Economic Evaluation in Health and Medicine
  • PHARM 568: Health Economics
  • PHARM 581: Global Health Pharmacy
  • PHARM 582C: Global Health Pharmacy-Pharmacoeconomics
  • PHARM 532: Pharmaceutical Policy


Dr. Lou Garrison is Professor Emeritus in The Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics (CHOICE) Institute in the School of Pharmacy, where he joined the faculty in 2004.  In October 2016, he became Senior Visiting Fellow at the Office of Health Economics, London, UK.  For the first 13 years of his career, Dr. Garrison worked in non-profit health policy research first at the Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers (Seattle), and then at the Project HOPE Center for Health Affairs (Virginia), where he was the Director from 1989-1992.  Following this, he worked as an economist in the pharmaceutical industry for 12 years. From 2002-2004, he was Vice President and Head of Health Economics & Strategic Pricing in Roche Pharmaceuticals, based in Basel, Switzerland.

Dr. Garrison received a BA in Economics from Indiana University, and a PhD in Economics from Stanford University. He has more than 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Dr. Garrison was elected as ISPOR President for July 2016-June 2017.  He served on the ISPOR Board of Directors from 2007-09 as well as from 2015-8.  He co-chaired two ISPOR Good Practice Task Forces—on Real-World Data and on Performance-Based Risk-Sharing Arrangements—and he chaired the ISPOR Health Science Policy Council from 2012 to 2015.  He also recently co-chaired the ISPOR Special Task Force on U.S Value Frameworks, and he is faculty advisor for the UW ISPOR Student Chapter.  He is immediate past chair of the Past Presidents’ Council and the ISPOR Nominations Committee.  He was selected in 2017 by PharmaVOICE as being among “100 of the Most Inspiring People” in the industry.  He recently received the PhRMA Foundation and Personalized Medicine Coalition 2018 Value Assessment Challenge First-Prize Award as lead author on a paper on “A Strategy to Support the Efficient Development and Use of Innovations in Personalized and Precision Medicine.”

Webinars, videos, and podcasts

Selected Publications

  • Garrison LP, Jackson T, Paul D, Kenston M.  Value-based pricing for emerging gene therapies : the economic case for a higher cost-effectiveness threshold.  Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, Forthcoming e-publication. February 2019.
  • Garrison LP Jr, Neumann PJ, Willke RJ, Basu A, Danzon PM, Doshi JA, Drummond MF, Lakdawalla DN, Pauly MV, Phelps CE, Ramsey SD, Towse A, Weinstein MC. A Health Economics Approach to US Value Assessment Frameworks-Summary and Recommendations of the ISPOR Special Task Force Report [7]. Value Health. 2018 Feb; 21(2):161-165.
  • Garrison LP Jr, Pauly MV, Willke RJ, Neumann PJ. An Overview of Value, Perspective, and Decision Context-A Health Economics Approach: An ISPOR Special Task Force Report [2]. Value Health. 2018 Feb; 21(2):124-130..
  • Garrison LP, Kamal-Bahl, S, Towse, A.  Toward a Broader Concept of Value:  Identifying and Defining Elements for an Expanded Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Value in Health 20 (2017)
  • Garrison LP Jr, Carlson JJ, Bajaj PS, Towse A, Neumann PJ, Sullivan SD, Westrich K, Dubois RW. Private sector risk-sharing agreements in the United States: trends, barriers, and prospects. Am J Manag Care. 2015 Sep;21(9):632-40.
  • Kaló Z, Annemans L, Garrison LP. Differential pricing of new pharmaceuticals in lower income European countries. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 2013 Dec;13(6):735-41
  • Towse A, Garrison LP Jr. Economic incentives for evidence generation:  promoting an efficient path to personalized medicine. Value Health. 2013 Sep-Oct;16(6 Suppl):S39-43
  • Garrison LP, Jr. (co-chair); Towse A (co-chair) et al.  Performance-Based Risk-Sharing Arrangements—Good Practices for Design, Implementation, and Evaluation: Report of the ISPOR Good Practices for Performance-Based Risk-Sharing Arrangements Task Force, Value in Health, August, 2013
  • Garrison LP and Veenstra DL.  The Economic Value of Innovative Treatments over the Product Life Cycle:  the Case of Targeted Trastuzumab Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. Value in Health. 12(8): 1118-23, 2009
  • Garrison LP, Towse A, Bresnahan B.  Assessing a Structured, Quantitative Health Outcomes Approach  to Drug Risk-Benefit Analysis, Health Affairs, 26(3):684-95, 2007.
  • Garrison LP and Neumann PJ (co-chairs); Erickson P, Marshall D, Mullins CD.  Using real world data for coverage and payment decisions:  the ISPOR real world data task force report.  Value in Health 10(5):  326-335. September, 2007.
  • Garrison LP and Austin MJF.  The economics of personalized medicine:  a model of incentives for value creation and capture. Drug Information Journal 41: 501-509, 2007