Who Does What at Pharmaceutics?
Alumni Relations
For all matters relating to alumni, see Elsa Hagos (Health Sciences, H-259; aipelsi@uw.edu ).
Budget Questions (department, grants)
For questions about the department’s budget or grant budgets, see Alvin Chau (Health Sciences, H-272R; alvnchau@uw.edu).
For computer problems or questions, please email School of Pharmacy IT, soptech@uw.edu.
Copies; Copy Machine
For assistance with copies or copy machine problems, see contact Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu
Equipment Inventory
Please see Alvin Chau (Health Sciences, H-272T; alvnchau@uw.edu)
Equipment Problems (non-computer)
For help with office equipment problems, contact Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu
Express Mail/ UPS/ FedEx Shipping
For assistance with express mail or shipping, see Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu
For questions and concerns about facilities in the Health Sciences Building, refer to the Building Management web site. You can submit a request for maintenance via the FS-WORKS web site. Contact administrator for the appropriate budget number to pay for the service charges. Use the following phone numbers for building emergencies:
- Fire or Smoke – pull manual fire alarm
- Flooding – report immediately to Facilities Services, 543-3010
- Loud, Continuous Noise – call Building Management, 685-0143
- Unusual or Violent Behavior – call UW Police at 911
Graduate Program Services
For graduate student services, see Cathy Liao (Health Sciences, H-272 ; cxhliao@uw.edu).
Grant Applications and Renewals
For help with grant applications and renewals, see Leila Kirkpatrick ldkirk@uw.edu
Grievance or Performance Concerns
For issues regarding staff or students, contact the administrator.
Guests and Speakers
For questions about University guests and/or visiting speakers, contact Elsa Hagos (Health Sciences, H-259; aipelsi@uw.edu ).
Hiring/ Personnel
For assistance with hiring and personnel matters, contact the administrator.
Curriculum Support
For help with lecture notes, exams, handouts, etc., contact Cathy Liao (Health Sciences, H-272 ; cxhliao@uw.edu).
For questions regarding building or room keys, or Access/Prox cards, contact Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu
Leave issues
For questions about leave (e.g., maternity, leave without pay, etc.), contact the administrator.
Lost and Found
If you find an item in the HS Building, parking lot or surrounding properties, please bring it to T-283 HSAS&F Lost & Found. If you lost something recently, contact (206) 685-0143 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Lost and found items within the Pharmaceutics department can be brought to the attention of Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu .
Memberships and Subscriptions
For assistance, contact administrator.
Parking permits
To obtain a parking permit, contact Parking Services. If you need same-day parking validation, contact administrator.
For payroll questions, see Alvin Chau (Health Sciences, H-272T; alvnchau@uw.edu).
Purchasing- Equipment and Lab Supplies
For help with purchasing equipment or lab supplies, see Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu
Purchasing- Office Supplies
Office supplies are located in the Common hall area of H-272. To request a supply order, contact Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu
For assistance being reimbursed for expenses:
Faculty see Mai Ponsang apicha@uw.edu
Student contact administrator.
Room Reservations
Any Staff Member will be able to assist you to reserve conference room H-272.
Seminar Information
Please contact Cathy Liao (Health Sciences, H-272 ; cxhliao@uw.edu).
Please bring questions about surplus inventory to the administrator.
Time sheets
For questions about timekeeping and time sheets, see Alvin Chau (Health Sciences, H-272T; alvnchau@uw.edu)
For assistance with travel arrangements, Faculty contact administrator.
For assistance, questions or issues with visas, contact administrator.
Web Updates
For updates to the department and course web sites, contact Elsa Hagos (Health Sciences, H-259; aipelsi@uw.edu).
Health and Safety Links
NightRide Assistance Program
Department Health & Safety Orientation Form