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New Framework Approved!

After a series of roundtable discussions within our three Departments, and following the May 25, 2017 All-School Faculty and Staff meeting, we are pleased to announce that the faculty of the UW School of Pharmacy have approved a framework for the new curriculum! This new framework will feature:

  • Expansion of experiential learning for our students, including dedication of Wednesdays to practice and application, as well as increased time for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs)
  • Further integration and coordination of core coursework to maximize learning in four major areas, including Fundamentals, Chemical and Molecular Pharmacology, Clinical and Population Therapeutics, and Pharmacy Systems and Quality
  • Development of opportunities regarding electives
  • Longitudinal projects
  • Discoveries Seminars, to showcase research and practice innovation

In June, Curricular Innovation Design Workgroups convened and have been meeting over the summer to design curricular detail for all areas of content within the new framework. Workgroups are actively considering sequencing and organization of topics, identifying specific content that may be shifted earlier in the curriculum into the Fundamentals unit, and finding opportunities to further reinforce didactic learning through experiential learning and Wednesdays in Practice.