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Data Analysis Phase

UWSOP Curricular Guidance Team member Dr. Katie Headrick Taylor, from the UW College of Education, led the guidance team in several exercises and facilitated discussions on how people learn best.

Several UWSOP faculty, UWSOP Curricular Innovation Guidance Team members, and UWSOP Dean Sean Sullivan hosted a facilitated discussion of practicing pharmacists and pharmacy students at the Northwest Pharmacy Convention on June 3, 2016. These focus groups identified the key skills and abilities required in pharmacy practice, those expected in the future, and the impacts on education and training.

After gathering and sifting through all of the data generated in the process to date, we looked at the emerging trends and common themes, and began to explore some guiding principles and the vision, drivers and rationale, and potential implementation methods and models for our future curriculum. To drive our vision, an outcomes-oriented description of the “Husky Pharmacist” was developed so that the next steps in developing our curricular model can “begin with the end in mind” (Covey, 2004).  Based on the guiding principles and the “Husky Pharmacist”, the Curricular Innovation team considered how these might be incorporated into a framework to guide the curricular model development.