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Model Design

A Curricular Innovation Faculty Retreat was held in November 2016, with the key goal to engage the faculty in the next key step of the innovation—development of the new curricular model.  At the retreat, the Curricular Innovation Guidance team presented to the faculty a draft of the “Husky Pharmacist” attributes, the “Guiding Principles” for curricular development, a summary of the insights and findings gleaned from the information gathering phase, and key recommendations cultivated from the input.

After the summary updates, an interactive, facilitated discussion of perceived barriers or concerns that might potentially challenge the development and implementation of a new curriculum was held.  This session generated several ideas for needed support including guidance to faculty on course development, time support to make changes, needs for “soft launch” of certain aspects of a new curriculum, and instituting a quality improvement process to assure the change to the curriculum achieves the desired goals.  At the retreat, faculty and guest practitioners worked together to begin “modeling” a new curriculum by generating curricular approaches and ideas aligned with the guiding principles and aimed at the goal of best achieving the Husky Pharmacist. UWSOP Dean Dr. Sean Sullivan shared information about the process to be used by the Executive Committee to provide support for continued success to the Curricular Innovation process.