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Plein Center for Geriatric Pharmacy Research, Education and Outreach

Certificate Fees

Plein Certificate in Geriatric Pharmacy Fee Structure

Students may apply to the Certificate in the 2nd year of the PharmD program. Fees and deadlines are shown in the table below. Payment of the Certificate fee will be broken into 2 installments:

  • On February 15 of the professional year applied/accepted
  • On February 15 of the 4th professional year
  • Students with any concerns related to certificate fees can contact to discuss options

Fees are non-refundable

Admitted into Certificate Program
Application Fee Total Certificate Program Fee Installment #1a Installment #2b
$50 $1100 $550 $550

Students must be in their 2nd year PharmD program to apply to the Certificate
a Installment #1 is due Feb 15 of the professional year accepted
b Installment #2 is due Feb 15 of the 4th professional year