PharmD PY1 student Holly Seyler is among 20 student pharmacists across the country recently selected by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy for the inaugural cohort of the AACP Aspiring Academics Program.
Aspiring Academics will have the opportunity to learn from two distinct faculty member mentors, one from within their own institution (the home mentor) and one assigned by AACP (the AACP group mentor)-all while building a national network of peers interested in academia.
AACP received more than 200 applicants from student pharmacists across the country, and selected 20 based on their credentials, a statement of experience and future career goals, and their faculty mentor’s support.
By the completion of the program, students will be able to describe the various types of pharmacy faculty positions; state the expectations of faculty regarding scholarship, teaching and service; discuss the process and skills needed to advance in a career in pharmacy academia; develop a network of peers and mentors interested in academia and more.
“Holly sees practicing and receiving feedback to refine skills as an opportunity for continuing development so she and her peers are able to better care for their future patients and community,” said Rachel Allen (PharmD, BCACP), who will serve as Holly’s UWSOP faculty mentor throughout the program. “Her positivity and willingness to lead by example helps to cultivate a culture that embraces a growth mindset and a passion for learning.”