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School of Pharmacy Debuts 301 Class


In an effort to give more UW undergraduate students an in-depth look at what the pharmacy profession is all about, the UW School of Pharmacy is launching a new course for undergrads. Pharmacy 301, “Medications and Health: It’s not all about drugs,” will be offered during spring quarter 2013.

The course will showcase faculty from the School and will cover a variety of topics related to medications and health. Those topics include individual health as well as common myths, questions and perceptions about medications. In addition, the course will cover natural products, performance-enhancing drugs, biologics and other popular topics in health.

“Our goals for this course are not only to inspire students to consider pursuing a PharmD degree,” said Peggy Odegard, Bridge Endowed professor and chair of pharmacy. “We also hope to help undergraduates learn more about their own health. We will be covering a wide range of health topics relevant to the student population.”The faculty who will be offering lectures in the class have expertise in multiple areas of pharmacy practice and healthcare. They will demonstrate the breadth of knowledge that pharmacists possess about health-related topics. School of Pharmacy Dean Thomas Baillie will be among the many School of Pharmacy faculty experts to present. Also featured will be School of Pharmacy alumni pharmacy practitioners.The School of Pharmacy developed this course to give UW undergraduates a chance to learn more about their health and to get a glimpse of the important work going on in the UW health sciences schools. What’s more, it will give the faculty and practitioners teaching the class a chance to interact with undergraduates at the university. They will also get a chance to share their passion for pharmacy, healthcare and patient care with another population of students.

“Ultimately, we hope this class will inform, inspire and involve undergraduate students,” said Odegard.

For questions about the Pharmacy 301 class, contact Sara McElroy, UW School of Pharmacy community pharmacy resident and teaching assistant. Undergraduate students interested in signing up can do so online when spring quarter registration goes live on February 15th. “Pharmacy 301: Medications and Health,” a three-credit class, will take place Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. in Bagley Hall 154.

~February 6, 2013


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