Sara Shum ‘21, a PhD graduate from UWSOP’s Department of Pharmaceutics, has been chosen as a recipient of the 2021 Gillette Award for the last chapter of her dissertation, which has been published in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) as a paper titled “Predicting Maternal-Fetal Disposition of Fentanyl Following Intravenous and Epidural Administration Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling”.
The James R. Gillette Award is presented each year by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) for two outstanding papers published in Drug Metabolism and Disposition, one award in each broad category, a) Drug Metabolism and b) Disposition and Pharmacokinetics.
“I am grateful for the recognition of the significance and the scientific method to use PBPK modeling to study maternal-fetal disposition, an understudied area in pharmaceutical research,” Sara said.
“The Gillette award is not only a recognition of our work but also [Dr. Nina Isoherranen’s] mentorship to build me up as a true pharmacokineticist. I am deeply grateful to her and my dissertation committee—Dr. Danny Shen, Dr. Ed Kelly, Dr. Qingcheng Mao, and Dr. Gail Anderson—for their guidance.”