After 22 years of distinguished service to the students, faculty and staff at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Stan Weber retired July 5, 2019. Over the course of his academic career, Stan made many notable contributions to the department, school, university and broader community. Stan received his Bachelor of Pharmacy from Washington State University in 1973 and his PharmD from the University of Cincinnati in 1975. During his time in Cincinnati, he also completed his Hospital Pharmacy Residency with the Veteran’s Administration Hospital. Stan was also Board Certified in Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy in 1997 and then recertified in 2005, 2010 and 2015.
Stan joined the faculty at UW in 1996 as an Associate Professor and Director of the School of Pharmacy External Doctor of Pharmacy Degree Program and held this position until 2013. In January of 1999, Stan also took on the role of Chief Assessment Officer for the School of Pharmacy, a capacity in which he led the school as Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation. During his tenure at UW, Stan was deeply involved in the didactic education of future pharmacists in the PharmD program and for those pharmacists returning to complete their Doctor of Pharmacy degree through the external PharmD program. In his role as educator, Stan taught at many levels. He was actively involved in the education of the professional, graduate and post-graduate students.
In his service as Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation, Stan made a tremendous impact on the assessment of educational outcomes and quality control in the professional degree program including accreditation. Over the course of his career, Stan made numerous outstanding contributions to the experiential education component of the professional curriculum in the areas of implementation and quality control for the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience and the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. Stan’s research and scholarly work focused largely on mental health issues and the therapeutic use of psychoactive therapies for the treatment of schizophrenia and depression. Earlier in his career Stan served as the Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI for several program development projects to improve psychiatric pharmaceutical care and services. In 1987, Professor Weber served as the PI for an American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Research and Education Foundation Grant to develop a Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Fellow Program. Stan has published over forty peer-reviewed manuscripts and presented over 70 oral presentations and/or posters at various professional meetings during his academic career. Stan has also made numerous significant contributions to the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of software for the Office of Professional Pharmacy Education (OPPE) Course Inventory and Curriculum Maps, the OPPE Experiential Programs Database and the UW School of Pharmacy online Graduation Exit and Employment Surveys. Other software design and development work has included the development and maintenance of the Academic Practice Partnership Initiative website and database, WSPA-APhA Smoking Cessation website and database, and the Obesity Pharmaceutical Care Project website and database.
Stan received several notable professional honors over the course of his career. These include Recipient of the Judith J. Saklad Memorial Lecture Award (CPNP) in 2009 and election as Fellow of the American Society of Health System Pharmacists in 1996. In addition, Stan is a Phi Kappa Phi National Scholastic Honorary, Rho Chi Pharmacy Scholastic Honorary and Omicron Delta Kappa Society National Leadership Honorary. Between 2001 and 2004, Stanwas recognized by his peers in the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists when selected as President-Elect in 2001. Between 2002 and 2003, Stan served as President of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists.
Since joining the University of Washington, Stan has served the Department, School, University and greater community with distinction. Among his many service responsibilities, Stan has served as a Chair and member of the School of Pharmacy (SOP) Assessment Committee, member of the SOP Curriculum Committee and Chair of the SOP Academic and Professional Standard Progress Committee. Other SOP committee responsibilities include membership on the SOP Clinical Affiliate Faculty Committee, Senior Leadership Committee and Admissions Committee. He served in Chair roles for both the SOP Recruitment Committee and Accreditation Self-Study Steering Committee. His professional service has included membership on the Past-Presidents’ Council for College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists, member of the NW Pharmacy Experiential Consortium and member on the Specialty Council on Psychiatric Pharmacy, Board of Pharmacy Specialties (Chair in 2016). Additional professional memberships and participation include member of the AAMS Advisory Committee, AACP Professional Affairs Committee, AACP Academic Affairs Committee, and College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) Advisory Committee. In addition, he has been a guest editor for professional and scientific publications such as Journal of Pharmacy Practice and The Communiqué (ASHP). Stan also served as Co-Chair of the Pharmacy Council on Tobacco Dependence, Chair of the Communications Committee for CPNP and member of the selection panel for the ASHP Foundation Psychiatric Drug Therapy Fellowship Program.
We congratulate Stan on the impact he has made at the School, University and greater community level as an educator, scholar and valued colleague.