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The Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics (CHOICE) Institute

Generating comparative evidence to inform and enrich decision-making

We are a global leader in generating knowledge to improve individual and population health through transformative learning, research, and dissemination about the effectiveness, safety, and value of medical products, services, and policies.

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The CHOICE Institute Launches New Certificate in Data Science in Health Economics and Outcomes Research

The CHOICE Institute is excited to launch its new Certificate in Data Science in Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Big data is the new norm across health industries, and the ability to apply data science tools…

The CHOICE Institute and Department of Pharmacy Welcome Dr. Noémi Kreif to the Faculty

Dr. Noémi Kreif, MA, MS, PhD

Dr. Noémi Kreif, MA, MS, PhD joined the CHOICE Institute and the Department of Pharmacy in March as an Assistant Professor. She joins us most recently from the University of York Centre for Health Economics…